
Showing posts from May, 2019

In Madame Loret’s class

Madame Loret was my teacher in third grade when I went to French school. She was very interesting to say the least.  Extremely strict and known all over the school for being terrifying. Her husband was also a teacher and just as evil, he taught my sister in first grade. I guess it is good for the world to have horrible people marrying each other, then more good people left for the rest of us. Here is an over dramatized version of my third grade experience. Hope you enjoy:) In Madame Loret’s class Her voice echoed through the halls Bouncing off the walls Little children running around She blurred in with the crowd 100 years old Standing at only 4ft. 5 Her heels slamming the floor Every small step she took We knew when she was coming The language of love Destroyed by her harsh tone Every single word carried anger Shattering our ears with aggression Forever traumatized My 8 year old self will never be the same Who knew we could be so scared of...